
Ali Abbas Baygi

Data Scientist


I’m a Data scientist at Smartblick where I analyze data, design algorithms and develop machine learning softwares. I received my master degree in PEESE from TU Berlin. Throughout my study, I developed my knowledge in statistics, data science and machine learning. I would love to create small and real-world applications using machine learning models and sharing them through open source. I am also interested in using these engineering tools to understand and model industrial fields. I immigrated from Iran, where I studied mechanical engineering.

Research Interest

  • Deep Learning (Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Transformers for NLP (e.g. NER, Question Answering, PoS, Topic Modeling,..)
  • Large Language Models (Opneai API, LangChain for LLM Application Development)
  • Industrial internet of things (IIoT)
  • Sensor data analysis, Data recording and Data processing
  • Time series classification, segmentation, pattern recognition and Feature extraction
  • Deployment of Machine Learning Models (using Streamlit, FastAPI, Docker)


  • MSc in Process, Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering (PEESE) @ Technische Universität Berlin
  • MSc. in Mechanical Engineering @ Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Iran
  • BSc. in Mechanical Engineering @ Mazandaran University, Iran
QA squad

BERT Question Answering

NLP, Question Answering, Transformers.

Elasticsearch - Deep Learning - Haystack - Huggingface - FastAPI
Ml Model Deployment

ML Model Deployment

ML Model Deployment using FastAPI, Streamlit, and Docker.

MLOps - Docker - FastAPI - Streamlit
Fine-tuning LLMs with LoRA

Fine-tune LLMs with LoRA

Fine-tuning of the Flan-T5 LLM from Hugging Face using a Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) technique known as LoRA and assess the outcomes through ROUGE score evaluation.

LLMs - Huggingface - Peft
Startup Name Generator with LangChain

Startup Name Generator with LangChain

Startup Name Generator using LangChain, OpenAI, and Streamlit.

LangChain - OpenAI - Streamlit